Thursday, January 3, 2008

Back on Dry Land

Well, 3 days of being confined to the deck of a cargo ship in the Patagonian sea...

it was kinda like being in prison but with breath-taking views and minus the gay raping and violence- say what you may; but that how it be.
One of my favorite moments of the whole trip was the entire day in which the boat dipped front and back and leaned side to side cuz´of rough waters- I felt like Jonah in the sea storm as I curled up in the fetal position in my tomb-sized bunk bed as I felt the ship´s bumpNgrind all throughout the night ;)
Well my cousin took plenty of pics that I´ll post when I can.

It´s after midnight here and we both need to pack our bags and food for a 3-day trekk at Torres del Paine (we leave at 0730-fun stuff) ...our diet will consist of Chilean bread, juice mix, water, and canned tuna/sardines for the next 3 days;

my OH my- after so much anticipation- the escape to the wilderness has come...

Hold on to your butts (again)


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