Monday, December 31, 2007


Within a matter of hours I will be on a huge cargo ship and will say goodbye to land for about 3.5days. Ringing in the new year out at sea along the glaciers of Patagonia. WORD

Once back on land (should be arnd Thursday) me and Giovanni will be trekking and camping in the forest then By The Grace of GOD, be stomping ground at Tierra de Fuego- aka: the end of the world…it´s chilling to think of being so far down- but I hear this calling and I only go one way to go- FORWARD.


F all the BS that clouds around
Shut out the noise so loud
Seek the true path inside
No reverse, no left or right
Our Lord God
HE is calling you aloud
Be still and do not hide

I LOVE YOU ALL- hope to see you all on the same hemispere soon
chao, DINK253E

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