Monday, December 31, 2007


Within a matter of hours I will be on a huge cargo ship and will say goodbye to land for about 3.5days. Ringing in the new year out at sea along the glaciers of Patagonia. WORD

Once back on land (should be arnd Thursday) me and Giovanni will be trekking and camping in the forest then By The Grace of GOD, be stomping ground at Tierra de Fuego- aka: the end of the world…it´s chilling to think of being so far down- but I hear this calling and I only go one way to go- FORWARD.


F all the BS that clouds around
Shut out the noise so loud
Seek the true path inside
No reverse, no left or right
Our Lord God
HE is calling you aloud
Be still and do not hide

I LOVE YOU ALL- hope to see you all on the same hemispere soon
chao, DINK253E

Friday, December 28, 2007


Today: we did some awesome zip-lining throughout the forest of Pucòn like changos and enjoyed our last day here in the pueblo by lounging around the town center.

Fyi- coffee ice cream; it`s a good thing.

Well as of tommorrow- the Coca-Cuellar Conquest will just consist of me and my primo Giovanni.
The Cuellar brothers are, once again as many times before, going their separate ways.
My brother is heading off to Argentina- it was a fine pleasure to see my brother here in Chile but we each got our on paths to follow.

Me and Giovanni are continuing down south to the Chilean Patagonia to see the glaciers, the near-artic coast, and to get as near to the south pole as possible.
We may travel by cargo ship to enter the frozen land and scope it out.
By the grace of God, I´ll be ringing in the new year aboard a cargo ship in the wintery wonderland of the Patagonia…we´ll see if forced labor is involved

…¿did someone say boiler room??

Thursday, December 27, 2007


the 0400 climb to the top of the volcano- RAD
Seriously it was a cake walk- quite appropriate for my birthday; aside from being a bit dangerous cuz´of the really soft snow on the steep inclines- it was cake.
After doin business on the volcano- this couple that lives and works at the hostel that we´re at cooked the three of us a scrumptous dinner. Not having to eat plain rice and enjoy a home cooked meal- Freak yes!
Pics of recent activity are posted to fcbk profile- ¿can you dig it?

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

one big ass candlestick

No cake and candles for me.
I´ll be starting my 22nd birthday in the early morning...I mean really early- as in 0315; fun stuff.
It`s all in the name of the Conquest. Me and my bro (the primo had to pull out for reasons unknown) are going to climb and beat down the volcano that towers over the pueblito in which we have been in for the past couple of days. Thank the Lord Almighty, my crap fever and stomach have been cured.
Now this volcano is likely to be a taste of more mountains that will be dominated in the road ahead the words of Samuel L. Jackson `Hold on to your butts` (much respect to those who can tell me the movie that the quote comes from)`s time for the throwdown
I hope to get atleast 3 hours of sleep before doing business on this volcano thing...we see how it be

peace ya`ll

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

call it what you will


0120-This is the hour
On a bus
in need of a shower
the only one with the overhead light on
rolling, rolling, rolling along
Sleep my eyes ask for
My mind, however, continues to work more and more
On a journeyto an unknown place
Along with my brother and cousin
Together seeking the Lord´s face
Seams torn, bridges burnt
Forget the past, forget the hurt
NO LOOK BACK as I refuse to regret
My Fathers love and mercy
is what I get
God is the way, the truth, and the life
His WORD and command shall you obey
¿Is it something outside your master plan?
The LORD alone- all else best get out da´ way

*something I scratched onto paper during the overnight bus ride to Temuco.

דרום אמריקה

*not really sure what the title means or what langauge it is but is popped up when I was gonna type so- hope you enjoy it.
Before anything, Merry Christmas from the Scorching South to all you readers of my blog (ya´ll are few but got my respect and appreciation)

Ight so this is officially the 3rd day of trippin with my brother and cousin.
Quick summary of what we´ve done so far:

+We started out by leaving Viña del Mar ( the city where I went to school) and headed to the capital city of Santiago- we spent about a day there
- the bottom line: probably the filthiest city I´ve seen yet and the lamest in things to do at night.

+then we took an over-night bus to Temuco (a pueblo 8hrs to the south ) where spent about 75% of the time there crashed in our hostel beds due to the over-night bus ride.
- the bottom line:
the hottest christmas eve ever- so hot that I´m kinda feverish and experienced some intense diarrhea (cha cha cha!;)- I was feeling so bad that while watching the christmas tree in the center plaza with the locals, the Lord answered my prayers and I unleashed some mighty reverse digestion at the base of the city monument.
I`m sure I heard God whisper to me ´merry christmas` shortly after literally emptying myself

+Finally, I`m currently in the nearby pueblo of Pucòn. It´s pretty much located at the foot of this active volcano. A view of the skyline is below:

- the bottom line: me and the crew arrived in the morning and found the nicest hostel to stay at that I´ve seen so far. It´s this cabin house that´s really quiet and it has all you need- bathroom, hot water, kitchen, comfortable bed, and internet.
Well I´m still feelin feverish and crap- so I´m kinda taking it easy and avoiding the sun´s rays until I feel better. Surprised that aside from water, I´ve only had this snack size bag of crackers
and a glass of apple juice...yay for Catabolism!! ;-$

feelin´ ill and poppin´pills,

*according to one of my sources- דרום אמריקה is hebrew for South America...interesting

Friday, December 21, 2007

Coca-Cuellar Conquest

I just spent my last full day here in Vina del Mar- oh...I'll miss the sound of the waves keeping me up in the early morning hours, the long strolls along the beach, my rad friends, and the rusty shack full of iron machines in which I frequently unleashed stress via dumbells and barbells-
well I just finished packing my backpack for the beginning of the the Coca-Cuellar Conquest;

it's me (this was before taking starting my Nazarite Vow),

my brother Cesar
(a rare glimpse of him looking so fresh and so clean),

and my cousin Giovanni
(from my mom's side of the fam whose last name the same as
the plant that crack is made from...Coca- makes sense i guess)

Stay tuned for updates- it's 3 colombians in the forest and with no real plans or knowledge of what to expect on the path the lies before them...this is gonna be fun.
we're going to literally live and survive in the forests of the Patagonia as we trek around. Once we find a way to escape the fury of the forest- we'll recharge in Argentina

*please do not be a fool and believe that we are looking clean as in the photos

feelin free,

Thursday, December 20, 2007

EXODUS!...movement of ya people

Praise God, praise the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY
He has provided and now it's exodus time.
I'm rollin out of this place riding shotgun with the Almighty.
...oh, my brother and cousin can go in the trunk i guess.


Wednesday, December 19, 2007


my brother and cousin have finally arrived...hope to start the expedition to new lands asap. I'm waiting for the final grade for my last class...I've seriously been on a roller coaster ride because of it; technically, this grade will decide whether or not I can stay in my IB major or have to switch to regular business...there's much more to my load than just this. I've been broken, hurt, played. I'm left only to trust in the Lord- He's all I have...ALL I HAVE

Monday, December 17, 2007


I see it
I'm getting closer to the finish line
My last hurdle draws near
it has been consuming valuable resources that I hold dear
my time and energy

I've done all that I can
through my own strength
Still I continue to think about what lies ahead
Father, Almighty and Powerful Father
May your love and grace over shadow my path
during this final exam
cuz' I suck at math

I didn't plan on writing this 'poem' but this is what happened. No regrets.

In need of your prayers indeed- Dink253E

Saturday, December 15, 2007

a bit of a quake- then you shakeNbake

I experienced my first earthquake today...I was in my apartment tower- and felt the bed start to shake like a salt shaker and I thought I had been pleasantly surprised with a vibrating messaging bed!- BUT after seeing the windows shake and hearing rumbling everywhere, yeah kinda figured otherwise. Funny 'cuz right when the earthquake ended (luckily it wasn't too strong to cause major damage) I got up and was so excited and happy about finally feeling the earth shake- then I went back to the wonderful past time of studying for my final Final (hence my face)

*bet you didn't know about my glass eye

i'm just kiDDing!

Friday, December 14, 2007

la droga meyn

Colombian drug of choice

crack cocaine- FTP!

Please pray that I find the motivation to study for my last final- shoot, so much for finals WEEK


ps- drop a comment whoever is out there...anybody?...HEYlo?

Thursday, December 13, 2007


well...I did what I could but I guess I won't be done with finals until next Tuesday, after I take my last final for the finance class- freak'n prof is straight bustin' my balls but I guess it's for a reason.

~here's the dilio~
+The Golden Compass: a cool fantasy flick and loved the jaw dropping fight scene- literally.
+Got some unexpected pe$o$ for business that I handled- God Bless you David Chan!
+callous fingertips from spending intimate practice time with my six-string axe.

Oh and Quill is the young George Jung from Blow...

later laterz- not right, right now


Wednesday, December 12, 2007

serenity NOW!

I'm seriously being challenged with my patience. I've sent a couple of emails to one of my profs about just simply keeping the grade that I have before taking the final exam (which is req'd if you have a grade of 5.0 or below- grade scale is 1 thru 7- 7=A, 6=B, and so on) all my classes are CR/NCR for SDSU and I get credit for a class as long as my grade is above a 4.0- which is what I have.
However, seems like this prof is kinda slow on understanding what I'm trying to tell him cuz' he just replied telling me what my grade is and when the final is- both of which I mentioned in the email TO HIM...stupid; whatever- I'm still waiting for a response from this guy and seriously praying that the Lord can have mercy and allow me to skip this final exam- which would probably only hurt my grade cuz' the class is Finance and crap...I'm so glad that I won't have any more business classes after this.

other news: while walking around the city streets, which I do alot, I stopped in front of an office window to put on my headband using the reflection. Some secretary's desk was in front of it and she stared at me while I stood there doing my business- I waved- and she quickly got up and walked out of the area- I think to call security or something- I mean I was wearing my AGO letters, my Colombian sack bag, and I haven't shaved in almost two whole months so...I don't blame her for doing what she did.

finally, eating broccoli and cauliflower- you're stomach will despise you in bloating proportions.



sup ya'll,
so this is the first official blog post that I've ever done in the history of me.
Just a little background info for those who don't know- I am DINK253E from the mighty Epsilon chapter of Alpha Gamma Omega Fraternity
*check out the AGO-Epsilon blog which is MAN-handled by Sequel252E, my hardcore pledgebro who is too much for me to handle so I had to leave the country to build myself up to keep up...all that study abroad/spiritual exile stuff are just excuses

How has life been so far?- well I can't believe that it's almost two weeks into December and at the same time I'm quite happy that pretty soon I'll be free to leave the chilean 'university' (more like a community ed center with bars on the windows) the city in Chile and be able to go off into lands that have not experienced my presence as of yet.
Hopefully it's hot weather wherever I end up going...shoot it's funny how I really have no idea of where I'll be and what I'm gonna be doing for Christmas or New Years this year- well I'm sure that Cesar, Giovanni (my older brother and cousin who are backing all throughout the continent) and I will think of something good and ghetto to do.
I think spending Christmas/NewYear's camped out in the mountains or forests would be jolly good actually

almost forgot- WORD is now by the unofficial official motto for
the BetaZeta*Tau(BZT) pledgeclass- for those who don't know that's: my pledgebro, Sequel, DINK (myself), and Pebblebeach

*the last of the small old school AGO pledgeclasses- before they all started multiplying like bunny rabbits on crack...

To keep updated on my blog Subscribe to the feed .
be advised- this is only a taste of what's to come later...PEACE