Wednesday, December 12, 2007

serenity NOW!

I'm seriously being challenged with my patience. I've sent a couple of emails to one of my profs about just simply keeping the grade that I have before taking the final exam (which is req'd if you have a grade of 5.0 or below- grade scale is 1 thru 7- 7=A, 6=B, and so on) all my classes are CR/NCR for SDSU and I get credit for a class as long as my grade is above a 4.0- which is what I have.
However, seems like this prof is kinda slow on understanding what I'm trying to tell him cuz' he just replied telling me what my grade is and when the final is- both of which I mentioned in the email TO HIM...stupid; whatever- I'm still waiting for a response from this guy and seriously praying that the Lord can have mercy and allow me to skip this final exam- which would probably only hurt my grade cuz' the class is Finance and crap...I'm so glad that I won't have any more business classes after this.

other news: while walking around the city streets, which I do alot, I stopped in front of an office window to put on my headband using the reflection. Some secretary's desk was in front of it and she stared at me while I stood there doing my business- I waved- and she quickly got up and walked out of the area- I think to call security or something- I mean I was wearing my AGO letters, my Colombian sack bag, and I haven't shaved in almost two whole months so...I don't blame her for doing what she did.

finally, eating broccoli and cauliflower- you're stomach will despise you in bloating proportions.


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