Tuesday, December 25, 2007

call it what you will


0120-This is the hour
On a bus
in need of a shower
the only one with the overhead light on
rolling, rolling, rolling along
Sleep my eyes ask for
My mind, however, continues to work more and more
On a journeyto an unknown place
Along with my brother and cousin
Together seeking the Lord´s face
Seams torn, bridges burnt
Forget the past, forget the hurt
NO LOOK BACK as I refuse to regret
My Fathers love and mercy
is what I get
God is the way, the truth, and the life
His WORD and command shall you obey
¿Is it something outside your master plan?
The LORD alone- all else best get out da´ way

*something I scratched onto paper during the overnight bus ride to Temuco.


perkyNbLue said...

Love it!

Christian said...

haha- thanx- it´s all about the late night introspection